Grant Competition START-UP


Grant Competition START-UP

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava (FMUO) and the Director of the University Hospital Ostrava (UHO) announce Grant Competition START-UP 2021 for the years 2022–2024.

The Competition for awarding a Start-up grant is announced within the following 6 scientific fields of medicine:

  1. Oncology and hematooncology
  2. Neurosciences
  3. Information technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality in medicine
  4. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
  5. Surgical specialities, with the preference of mini-invasive surgery
  6. Epidemiology

The period for Start-up grant realization is determined for the period of 12–36 months, with the start day of the Project realization being 1st January 2022.

The Start-up grant will be funded by LF OU and FN Ostrava, in the maximum amount of 3 000 000 CZK (approx. 110 000 EUR).

The Principle Investigator of the Start-up grant must meet the following requirements:

  1. is an academic or research worker,
  2. has not completed the age of 40 years in the year of submission of the Project proposal,
  3. is the holder of the Ph.D. title at the time of submitting the Project proposal,
  4. produces excellent results in his/her field of expertise, and participates upon international cooperation,
  5. must not be an employee of FMUO or UHO at the time of submitting the proposal.


Competition schedule:

Announcement of the Competition: 1. 1. 2021

Competition deadline: t is possible to submit applications to the Competition from 1st February 2021 to 15th March 2021 (24:00), using an  electronic form in the electronic form to the address of the Competition  or by mail to the following address: Department of Research and Development Activities, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava, Syllabova 19, 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice, Czech Republic

Evaluation deadline: 15th March 2021 – 1st October 2021

Announcement of results: 1st October 2021

Start day of the projects: 1st January 2022
